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Author Topic: [LUA] NotHawthorne's cMaNGOS Eluna Scripts!  (Read 1934 times)


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[LUA] NotHawthorne's cMaNGOS Eluna Scripts!
« on: September 23, 2014, 02:06:10 pm »
Hello, all! I thought I'd do some contributing to the community by sharing the scripts that I use on my currently indev private server, The Shard of Entropy. In case the project ever dies before it reaches fruition, this thread will be here so that future scripters can utilize the assets~!

1. EntropyPvP
This script will make it so that, when you are killed by another player, your gear and inventory are removed and placed on a vendor (Loot Ghost) that spawns on your corpse. There are ten (10) possible Loot Ghosts to prevent one loot ghost having the same inventory as another in the event that another player dies while the original Loot Ghost is still spawned. In addition, any item that has an EntryID of 818000 or higher will not be dropped when the script runs. This can be changed by changing the "lastitemindb" variable to any EntryID, as this variable defines which EntryID will be the highest one that it will check without skipping.
Pastebin Link -- SQL Query to add the Loot Ghosts, entry ID's 818001-818010 -- LUA script.

2. Fallen Warrior's Garb
This is a script that I'm particularly proud of putting together, and, while I'm hesitant to give it out for free, I respect this community far too much to hold back on what I can contribute. This script runs when a player equips the item with the entryID of 9623 (able to be modified by changing the number 9623 on lines 4 and 18), and teaches the player every possible weapon skill. If the player enters combat without the item equipped, and if that item SubClass is one that can't be used by the class natively, then their mainhand weapon is unequipped and all of the skills for those possible non-native weapons are unlearned. Make sure that if you change the entryID of the triggering item, you also change the 4 in player:GetEquippedItemBySlot(4) section to the SlotID of the new triggering item.
Pastebin Link -- LUA script.

I hope these scripts, and those to be added to this post in the future, are of use to the community. Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
Duuuuuude... is the "S" or the "C" silent in the word "scent"?


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Re: [LUA] NotHawthorne's cMaNGOS Eluna Scripts!
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2014, 05:30:18 pm »
186 views in three hours? Hot diggity daffodil.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
Duuuuuude... is the "S" or the "C" silent in the word "scent"?