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Serverside Modding / TC 4.3.4 Request for Knowledge.
« on: July 28, 2015, 08:52:08 pm »
Hi there,

New user here -- I'm well-versed in SQL but just picked up C++ (though it's not my first language so the learning curve is pretty smooth). I've scoured the forums, invoked the Google, and rummaged through the codebase/DB for data on a few points of a TrinityCore 4.3.4 project I'm working on and would appreciate any assistance provided:

* Configure OpenPVP for certain areas within zones. I found this thread which seems to be directed at entire maps. I'd like to make only portions of a zone FFA PVP, e.g. Nagrand or Gurubashi Arenas.

* Disable/delete a zeppelin.

* Modify/disable/delete portals to other zones/areas. I've played with the Disables table in the DB but this only seems to apply to dungeons and raids in particular.

* Scale heirlooms for levels other than 80/85 -- from what I've read this requires a DBC edit and client patch, but I was curious if anyone had experience playing with DBC.EnforceItemAttributes and the StatScalingFactor column in the DB.

Much thanks in advance to anyone who decides to contribute. Feel free to spam links or insults as appropriate. :)

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