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Author Topic: [QUESTION] Display IDs for WoTLK  (Read 1505 times)


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[QUESTION] Display IDs for WoTLK
« on: August 04, 2013, 04:21:59 am »

Is it possible to display NPC models using PHP/SQL (i.e. A Web CMS) - apart from visiting 3rd party websites like wowhead? I'm working on a CMS atm, and I'm considering literally screenshotting every Display ID using some kind of script.

I'm wondering how plausible it would be, to basically:

1) Position camera in WoW, then let script run to morph NPCs to every display ID (1-24,000) every 3/4 seconds

2) Take small screenshots (about 275x200px) every 3 seconds for example

3) Have the screenshots named $id.png (maybe smaller format JPG?) - so the display ID is the name of the file

4) IMG for NPC could be retrieved to using PHP/SQL query + IMG location (same name as variable)

The only issues is the storage might be 2GB - not exactly an ideal solution for a CMS. And anyway, it seems like a very backwards method - hence why I'm asking for advice!

Obviously every NPC model is contained within the MPQs - but how could you go about harvesting them? How does the serverside Display ID link to a model?

NB: The Display ID is the important thing as it would largely be custom NPCs - using many of the models already in WoW. Hence it would be ideal to have a Display ID reference!

Thanks for reading! :D

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »