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Messages - The0dark0one

Pages: [1]
Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] Custom Item Stats Problem
« on: May 24, 2015, 07:27:22 pm »
Perhaps you need to delete your cache?

Miscellaneous / Re: Improved Starfire help?
« on: May 24, 2015, 06:47:07 pm »
Quote from: "kojak488"
Quote from: "The0dark0one"
Ah damn, which columns of importance did I miss?

Rather than ask that question you should be going back to the spell.dbc and comparing the two spells for other fields that are different.  You may not know what those other fields do yet, but that's part of the process (i.e., learning to understand the spell.dbc).  That's all the information I'm willing to share.  If I were simply going to tell you the column, then I would've done so in my first post.

I've done this process three times already.  I've even scoured the source code searching for references to these spells and these spell effects.  I've figured out so many other spells lately but these types of spells have been quite difficult to figure out.

Here are the other differences except for Improved Starfire's references to its stun effect:
Code: [Select]
Starfire Frostbolt
ProcFlags   0x15550 0x0
ProcChance  3 101
SpellLevel  0 1
EquippedItemSubClass 0x0  0xFFFFFFFF
EffectItemType 0x4  0x20
SpellIconID 1485 188
SpellPriority  0 50
SpellFamilyName 7 3
StanceBarOrder 0 -1
DmgMultiplier3 0 1

These all seem useless to me except for perhaps EffectItemType, SpellFamilyName, and SpellPriority.  I'm going to search the regular spells frostbolt and starfire to see if they reference these talent spells.

EDIT: Turns out after 5 days of researching this, it was working all along.  I hand measured the cast times of the spells and found that it was all working appropriately.  The problem was that the tooltip was not updating but the actual cast time was.  Anyone have any idea why the tooltip is updating for the correct classes but not after I move the spell to a different class?

Miscellaneous / Re: Improved Starfire help?
« on: May 23, 2015, 07:34:26 pm »
Quote from: "kojak488"
Quote from: "The0dark0one"
I have narrowed down the reason that it is not working to columns 104-106 in Spell.dbc titled EffectItemType....

The one area they both differ in is EffectItemType.

Here's a hint: those statements of yours are incorrect.

Ah damn, which columns of importance did I miss?

Miscellaneous / [SOLVED] Improved Starfire help?
« on: May 22, 2015, 08:08:16 am »
I am working with a classic vanilla 1.12.1 Mangos Zero server.  I moved some talents and spells around on the classes.  I moved Starfire and the talent Improved Starfire to a mage.  Upon doing this, it apparently broke the function of Improved Starfire.  The stun works but it no longer reduces cast time as it is supposed to.  I have narrowed down the reason that it is not working to columns 104-106 in Spell.dbc titled EffectItemType.

I compared Improved Starfire with Improved Frostbolt.
I found that both have Effect 6, which is Apply Aura.  
In EffectApplyAuraName, they both apply aura #107 which is Add Flat Modifier.  
In EffectMiscValue, they both have a value of 10 which indicates that the modifier is SPELLMOD_CASTING_TIME.

This is where I get lost because they never refer to which spell receives the cast time modification.

The one area they both differ in is EffectItemType.
Improved Starfire has EffectItemType 0x4
Improved Frostbolt has EffectItemType 0x20

I believe that this somehow refers to what spells are affected by these talents, but I've no idea how.

Any ideas?

Miscellaneous / Re: Overpower help?
« on: May 22, 2015, 06:39:27 am »
Turns out my assumptions about the source code were correct, and I found the code too.  It was located in unit.cpp.

Code: [Select]
// Overpower on victim dodge
 if (procExtra & PROC_EX_DODGE && GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && getClass() == CLASS_WARRIOR)

I just removed/changed the class requirements and voila, it works now.  The same was true for counterattack which was also giving me trouble.

Miscellaneous / [SOLVED] Overpower help?
« on: May 20, 2015, 09:18:00 pm »
I'm using Mangoszero and I taught overpower to a character that is not a warrior.  For some reason, this broke he spell and it no longer becomes active after an enemy dodge.  

I assume this means that it is hard coded into the source.  Does anyone know where or how this is coded?  Secondly, how I can change it to work for any class?

Miscellaneous / Re: Spell.dbc Editing 1.12.1
« on: May 19, 2015, 03:50:35 am »
How do I request an account?  I couldn't find the link on the page.

Miscellaneous / Re: Spell.dbc Editing 1.12.1
« on: May 11, 2015, 07:20:18 am »
By cross-referencing the 1.12.1 Spell.dbc with the 3.3.5a Spell.dbc, I was able to figure out most of the columns on my own.  The forum isn't allowing me to post all of my findings yet.  Once I hit the 5 post minimum, I will edit this post with the 173 column names.  I'm still missing about a dozen of the column names or so.

Quote from: "Alastor"
In these ways i never had for example problem with integrity check since i am using that ( SRSLY OP ) patched wow.exe but if someone want it here is program that remove Protection of LUA functions just for interested...!TUAlzbgA!B15u_Hdzt ... ejqzpyShxo
I need some instructions on how to use this exe, it's not in my language and running it just pops up a message window then closes.

On another note, I've tracked down exactly what I need to find.  

Inside of UIParent.lua, I found this:
Code: [Select]
function UIParentLoadAddOn(name)
local loaded, reason = LoadAddOn(name);
if ( not loaded ) then
if ( not FailedAddOnLoad[name] ) then
message(format(TEXT(ADDON_LOAD_FAILED), name, TEXT(getglobal("ADDON_"..reason))));
FailedAddOnLoad[name] = true;
return loaded;
Clearly the function I need to find is LoadAddOn().  Does anyone have any idea where this function is defined?  If I can find it, then I can edit it to allow Blizzard Addons to be edited.

EDIT: I'm closer to the answer.  The WoWWiki page API_LoadAddOn indicates that the function comes straight from the WoW API which according to the WoWWiki World_of_Warcraft_API page, it is a command that comes straight from the WoW client.  So I need to edit my .exe to stop the integrity check during this AddOn loading process.

EDIT2: I figured it out.  I gave up on editing my .exe, instead I found a very easy trick.  Open up the .toc file for the AddOn that you are modifying.
Code: [Select]
## Interface: 11200
## Title: Blizzard Talent UI
## Secure: 1 <----------CHANGE THIS TO 0
## LoadOnDemand: 1
Upon changing the Secure value to 0, I was able to load a modified Blizzard AddOn.

I would love to figure out a solution to this for build 5875.  I searched through the strings in my WoW.exe but I couldn't find anything close to "Couldn't load Blizzard_TalentUI: Corrupt".  Could someone point me in the right direction perhaps?

Miscellaneous / [SOLVED] Spell.dbc Editing 1.12.1
« on: May 09, 2015, 05:20:34 am »
Hi, I have been searching all of the wikis and the posts here and I've given up and am requesting help.  I need to know the column names for a 1.12.1 spell.dbc.  I'm very good at editing all sorts of things but I can't find a list of column names that matches a 1.12.1 spell.dbc.  FYI, the 1.12.1 spell.dbc should have 173 columns.  The closest I have found is this list from the Mangos documention which includes 140 columns and also the list from the WoWDev wiki which includes 179 columns.  I also found this post which claims to know a few of the columns.  Can anyone shed some light?

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