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Messages - Medhi2703

Pages: [1]
Miscellaneous / Custom Class : SocialTab Bug
« on: December 13, 2015, 07:09:37 pm »
Hello dear modcrafter. :)
I come to you today because I have a problem.
I work actually on new class, the Citizen, all is working, but i have a great problem.

The social module don't work. Guild tab, raid tab and who tab specially.

Anyone know the way to fix it ? Or any clue ? :)

Thanks for reading.

Here, some screenshots :

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION:WotlK] Some trouble with resources
« on: September 05, 2015, 12:40:09 am »
Thanks for you reply.
I fixed it with : Player.cpp, SpellAuraEffects.cpp, Unit.h and StatSystem.cpp
I would do an example tomorrow. :)

Serverside Modding / [SOLVED] [QUESTION:WotlK] Some trouble with resources
« on: September 03, 2015, 01:03:29 am »
Hello everyone.
First, i'm sorry for my bad english(current&technics).
It's my first post and i have a problem. Haha.

I come here today because i have little problem.

I work actually on new Form for a new class.
It's simple, i work on Citizen class.
With this class, i create 3 form (like druid form)
I copy the line of the Catform on SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc to my new form (Light Fighter) with no morph.
And, i copy the line in spell.dbc for the new spell. I change the column 111 to new ID of my Shapeshift.
The form is ok but one thing don't work. The form don't change the mana to energy. :/

So i come here, if anyone have an idea for my problem.
Thanks for reading.

PS: I can upload my DBC file and some screen, if you want more information.

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