My mistake it was'nt Shlupf's explanation, you said that on ownedcore, lost lot of time also trying to make custom areatriggers in mangos core with no effect. here is great tutorial, but works only with existing areatriggers ( on mangos). viewtopic.php?f=61&t=4159&hilit=areatrigger.dbcdont know why custom areatriggers not working , even you said that in ownedcore borad. ... ances.htmlI have read that areartiggers are chcecked and controlled server side, you have right Stoneharry. But even when core has modified .dbc and sql they are not working...spawns in game ( easy to check by gm command) , activates when player is in radius, but not teleporting.
case ATTYPE_TELEPORT: { if(GetPlayer()->GetPlayerStatus() != TRANSFER_PENDING) //only ports if player is out of pendings { GetPlayer()->SaveEntryPoint(pAreaTrigger->Mapid); GetPlayer()->SafeTeleport(pAreaTrigger->Mapid, 0, LocationVector(pAreaTrigger->x, pAreaTrigger->y, pAreaTrigger->z, pAreaTrigger->o)); } } break;