So, guys as the title says it's all about .mdx objects in a .wmo, so I got this freaking idea today about 4 hours ago 2 o'clock in the morning and this idea wasn't shaking of my freaking mind.
I thought about an playerhousing system which is build up 95 % on Noggit, the rest would be teleportquests to get there and something to eat for the characters (cause I am quite an addict in roleplaying). So I build up an house, thought "hey Chaos good job there, quite not done but have a look at it how it's in the game", so I packed it in an .mpq started my homeserver logged in and surprise, the .mdx objects were not there, or just some and with a camerapush they vanished.
So I kinda remember an bug with an older rev, or I don't actually know if that was a bug in first place (which is one of the reasons why I marked this one here as a question). So first things, first:
Is this a bug of Noggit, or if not can it be fixed otherwise?
If not I thank you for reading and I'm going to get my Katana for the ritual suicidal. (Just kiddin, but to be honest I almost crouched the stairs up 20 minutes ago).
So if it can be fixed I would be glad to hear it, if not it's still okay, cause then I don't have to work 4 hours for the next few playerhousingbuildings. And just to let you have a look at what I did I got a special picture for you with 3 ingame and 3 Noggit screens, I personally like the left ones from Noggit more.

With regards,