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Featured => Noggit => Topic started by: XodusArt2 on May 30, 2015, 02:46:03 pm

Title: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: XodusArt2 on May 30, 2015, 02:46:03 pm
Noggit seems to be fucking up object render distance on particular ADTs... I have to walk literally 5 paces away and then they vanish.. No matter what settings I change  in game / with my emulator, it remains the same, and if  you're gonna suggest the add distance to M2 tool, the objects work perfectly on another map. I just ran a test, I placed my root ADT for a garrison map, and its textures and object adt parts into my project directory and ran noggit on the map, I replaced a building with a different building, saved, exited noggit, and placed those adts into my patch. I was able to recreate the stupid distance bug. Idk what it is, what causes it, but its very annoying when one is trying to create an enviroment to roleplay in.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: Skarn on May 30, 2015, 02:57:43 pm
I don't have this problem. Most likely its caused by the game render distance value. Check if it differs with WMT.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: XodusArt2 on May 30, 2015, 03:41:54 pm
WMT just enhances certain things, I'm certain after trying it in WMT, that it is to do with Noggit messing up some distance values for the doodads spawned on my ADT.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: XodusArt2 on May 31, 2015, 10:58:42 am
I still have no idea what is causing this, let me explain a few things I didn't in the first / main post.

I'm using Philly's ADT converter for Draenor garrison maps.
A lot of objects aren't converted properly, so they show up in game as cubes.
A lot of textures are missing so the objects show up green..
If this factors in with my issue at all, I'll try to get everything converted.

Philly's converter only converted the ADT root file, so the files with _obj1, _tex01, etc weren't  in the finished folder while the root ADT was. This particular map has three WDT files.. I'm not sure how to convert them since none of them have the DA or w/e it was on line two, that I'm supposed to convert to a 4E.

Ingame, the issue is simple as this. I walk about 3 paces away from an object in the garrison, it vanishes, if I zoom my camera out to that distance, and I'm still standing right infront of the m2, it vanishes.. I've checked all ingame settings, and made sure this wasn't my error.

I checked my server's config and made sure that the draw distance for continents, instances, and battlegrounds was 533.

This occured immediately after working with noggit.
I have no fucking clue what is causing this, maybe you do.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: Skarn on May 31, 2015, 11:02:54 am
As far as I know, there is no chunk responsible for model render distance in the ADT structure. How can Noggit influence render distance if it is not stored in the files it works with? Your problem is most likely caused by some DBC or serverside stuff, or maybe it is just you unsatisfied with the way how 3.3.5a renders models. The render distance is relatively lower in wotlk comparing to cata and the following expansions.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: XodusArt2 on May 31, 2015, 11:18:13 am
That was a consideration, until I compared this map to another, and found that, that map rendered things perfectly. But that map wasn't touched in Noggit.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: Skarn on May 31, 2015, 12:58:18 pm
As you can see, nothing like model render distance is mentioned here. (" onclick=";return false;)
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: schlumpf on May 31, 2015, 01:13:25 pm
There are flags in MODF and MDDF we do not know about, like mddf_shrubbery or mddf_biodome, which likely modify render distance, so it can be Noggit.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: Skarn on May 31, 2015, 04:36:39 pm
I would assume that no one has implemented unknown chunk editing for unknown reason in Noggit. And just for the record, we did not do it as well in SDL 1.4. So, it's not Noggit most likely unless he is using some private version which changes those chunks.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: schlumpf on May 31, 2015, 06:17:23 pm
Those chunks are not unknown but the MDDF and MODF chunks. They have been there forever. Also, noggit has been explicitly setting the flags to 0 forever.

It is very likely that this is wrong, and thus, it is Noggit's fault.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: Skarn on May 31, 2015, 07:04:26 pm
Neither me nor the noggit users I know experience that issue, which prooves it not being a Noggit's bug. If someone records a video reproducing this bug or someone else reports at least something similar to the mentioned problem, I would believe that. But now it sounds like another "retro-porting" side effect which only few people are interested to have fixed.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: schlumpf on May 31, 2015, 08:06:25 pm

I can even point to the exact line being wrong in MapTile.cpp:saveTile. All MDDF flags are set to 0 no matter what they were before.

At least one that fucks up some ADTs, like the Netherstorm ones.
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: XodusArt2 on May 31, 2015, 09:04:23 pm
Any suggestions thus far then?
Title: Re: Just a question (Noggit fucking object render distance)
Post by: Skarn on June 01, 2015, 06:59:45 pm
You could at first upload some image or video showing us the bug. The comparison picture between proper and bad render distance would do the job.