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Messages - korsyo

Pages: [1]
"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Release] WOD models for 3.3.5a
« on: December 31, 2015, 04:32:42 pm »
I've properly edited now and all looks great at char selection screen. However, when I go into world, the game crashes instantly as soon as the loading screen finishes, like 90% of the time. In some areas I can roam for a bit, then it crashes. It makes a weird glitch on the screen as well (attached pic).

I can confirm that the NPCs no longer have the HD models and they are back to the old ones, but judging from that glitch, I can see it's related to them.

Made a new char and had the chance to explore the NPCs a little more. There is something wrong with their be more exact, the hair. CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc needs some changes, or what could be the cause?

Below are some comparisons

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Release] WOD models for 3.3.5a
« on: December 31, 2015, 01:25:40 pm »
Thank you for the help Roarl and Amaroth. I was able to make some modifications with success, but I got stuck at something. In CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, I managed to change the model id's from row 49 to 60. Question is, where do I find the rows for trolls, gnomes, bloodelves and draenei? I made the same thing as I did for 49-60, but draenei and elves have no textures now and 185, 186, 182, 183 which are for trolls and gnomes, have different values.

For example at row 182 it says the following:
182   47   0   0   1   255   DragonSpawnSkinWhite   DragonSpawnBodySkinWhite    -1   0   0   0   0   0

And row 185 does not exist in order to modify the troll model.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Release] WOD models for 3.3.5a
« on: December 29, 2015, 05:32:26 pm »
I've done some tweaking, but I couldn't figure out how to avoid the crash when exiting the game. I want two things to resolve for this patch:

1. Avoid the crashes (spoils any change made in that session of the game)
2. Patch to affect only players, not NPCs

How can I avoid the crashes? Just remove the _HD from all lines, or there's something more to it?

Also, what files and their content do I need to edit in order for the models to be loaded only for players?

I couldn't find any DBC editor that can be user friendly, or have a proper search feature (so if you could pinpoint me to the right direction, that would be awesome).

Looking forward for your answers in order to jump in and tweak some more and get results this time.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Release] WOD models for 3.3.5a
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:02:53 am »
Just tested your latest patch and it's a great improvement over the last. For one, I don't see bald people all around me anymore haha. Noticed the dwarf and undead problems, but it's ok if you avoid those hairstyles at the moment.

A tiny bug I discovered, is that the lower part of the tabards has the drawings a bit mixed up.

All in all, it's a wonderful thing you did here! As for the slight model downgrade in the blender, it's hardly noticeable, especially when compared with the classic models. Looking forward to your updates and thanks for making this possible.

P.S. - is there any way from our end to avoid the error when closing the game?

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