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Messages - kronixusa

Pages: [1]
Quote from: "ulfryc"
hello anthony. I discover the problem, is the file Azeroth.wdt and i have the same problem with alpha cataclysm. With the older .wdt the titlesets appears bad (strange mixeds, you can see the chunks... etc...) and with the release wdt or with alpha cataclysm wdt, the old maps crash the game.

Anthony here, just on an alternate account as I'm not home at the moment and do not feel comfortable using my actual login in an internet cafe.  As for the Strange Mixes, I don't know what you are talking about. usually when you talk about things like this, you would show pictures.. You absurdly didn't show anything.... why?  If it's just odd blocky shadows, turn your shadow settings up to High or Ultra and that will be resolved.  If it's something else, it probably is a blending mode or layer that doesn't exist in WoTLK 335a.

If you are crashing, it could be either your emulator or you are mixing my patches with your other patches.

If you crashed by just using my patches by themselves without mixing in your own patches.  That could be a result of your Emulator Core.  People who are using older cores and or Repacks made from older cores tend to run into these issues as the Game client sends a data packet to the Emulator which it doesn't understand and then it sends back another packet with incorrect data and your game either logs off or crashes because of this.

If it works with just the patches by themselves and no crash or auto log off happens, then it could be due to your mixing of patches.

By all means, you could and I would recommend it as well, if these do not suit your needs or taste, please make your own and release your pack when you finish with it if you want.  It only took me 6 months to make mines, you can probably make faster because you have converted files to reference off of where I did not have anything.

Random / Re: Point in right direction if possible for an old mod
« on: April 26, 2013, 05:53:46 am »
Hey bud, saw your ac-web post,  thanks for the share/re-release.  Where did you originaly get the cata patch from?  If you don't mind me asking.  I've converted it and made it work for WoTLK.  Just that I would rather be able to give proper Credits before Re-Sharing someone else's work.  I can't seem to link screenshots but meh.

@Ascathos, He's talking about a mod someone did a while back that had mods to the m2 and skin files of the female human, bloodelf, and night elf races to give their feet a High heel look as well as making their posture taller.  Both me and him have new accounts so we can't post links to nothing.

Modelling and Animation / Re: [RELEASE] Custom weapons and armor
« on: September 05, 2012, 12:57:06 pm »
Very cool, would anyone happen to know of a tutorial on how to UV Map in Blender?  I generally use Cinema 4D to model/UV, but the UVW settings get distorted when exporting from C4D to Blender.

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