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Topics - Shodoman

Pages: [1]
"Retro-Porting" / [QUESTION] Fixing WoD broken geosets
« on: November 15, 2014, 03:23:03 pm »

Could you please at least guide me to the right place where i can find information on fixing the broken WoD caracter model geosets.
I'm new to this... it's my second week actually.
I've tried searching about 4h on how to do this, on this forum but with no luck as of jet.
What i figured is that you can export submeshes from WMV as obj and import them into blender...then i guess you would have to replace the m2i submesh with obj submesh?
I haven't gotten that far though. How do i see the full WoD models in WMV, what is see is broken?

I think i'm very tired and my brain doesn't work properly right now, so sorry if stupid questions.


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