Forum > Tutorials

[Tutorial] Animation Conversion (Blender)

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WOD contains every model so you can easly work with everything withot care if it was added in Vanila or WOD
in Hex stil stand 10 not 08

Great job, man, very useful tutorial.

Nice tutorial and thanks for the shoutout, it's an interesting method to doing it I gotta say.


--- Quote from: "Alastor" ---WOD contains every model so you can easly work with everything withot care if it was added in Vanila or WOD
in Hex stil stand 10 not 08
--- End quote ---
Ow yes, you are right. Thanks for the tip!

--- Quote from: "Skarn" ---Great job, man, very useful tutorial.
--- End quote ---
Thanks man, though not as good as yours!

--- Quote from: "phantomx" ---Nice tutorial and thanks for the shoutout, it's an interesting method to doing it I gotta say.
--- End quote ---
I appreciate it! Also credits go to Phucko1 for teaching me the method!

Another little pointer that might help you out a bit is when weight painting, you can select the vertices in edit mode, change back to weight paint and hit F (Painting Mask) and then hit Shift-K and it will paint all the selected vertices.

Makes it ALOT easier to paint. (When I started doing models 2+ years back I used to blindly paint and move the bones via pose mode to check what I was missing).

Nice tutorial, good job :)



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