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[TUTORIAL] Modelediting with PyM2


Things needed:
* PyM2:
* A Python Interpreter:
* A texteditor (like Notepad++)

Notes to Python:
# starts a comment
indentations are used for block delimitations

To use PyM2 you need to include the files in your Python-Code:

--- Code: ---from m2 import * # imports the whole file without the use of namespace
from skin import * #the same for skin
import m2 #imports, but you have to use eg m2.M2File to access the parts of the file

--- End code ---

Now you can use the imported files.
Example 1: Displaying of the texture types

--- Code: ---#! /usr/bin/python
from m2 import *

#Dictionary for Texture types
TextureTypes = { 0 : "Hardcoded" , 1 : "Body/Clothes" , 2 : "Items", 3 : "ArmorReflect?", 6 : "Hair/Beard",
8 : "Tauren fur", 9 : "Inventory Art 1", 10 : "quillboarpinata", 11 : "Skin for creatures or gameobjects 1",
12 : "Skin for creatures or gameobjects 2" ,13 : "Skin for creatures or gameobjects 3", 14 : "Inventory Art 2"}

#open m2
m2 = M2File("HumanMale.m2")
#iterate through textures
for i in m2.textures:
print "Type is " + TextureTypes[i.type] #print texture type
print #print texture filename

--- End code ---
Example 2: Change the Color of all particles to Green

--- Code: ---from m2 import *
filename = "YourM2.m2"
m2 = M2File(filename ) #open YourM2.m2
#iterate through the particles
for i in m2.particle_emitters:
#iterate through the elements of the Color-FakeAnimationBlock
for j in i.color.Keys:
j.x = 0 #red
j.y = 255 #green
j.z = 0 # blue
m2.write(filename) #write the m2

--- End code ---

Example 3: Display the Geoset Types

--- Code: ---from skin import *

#Create Dictionary for Translating Ids
GeosetTypes = { "00" : "Hairstyles", "01" : "Facial1", "02" : "Facial2", "03" : "Facial3",
"04" : "Bracers", "05" : "Boots", "06" : "Unknown1", "07" : "Ears", "08" : "Wristbands", "09" : "Kneepads",
"10" : "Unknown2", "11" : "Pants", "12" : "Tabard", "13" : "Trousers/Kilt", "14" : "Unknown3",
"15" : "Cape", "16" : "Unknown4", "17" : "Eyeglows", "18" : "Belt" }

#Open SkinFile
sk = SkinFile("")
#Iterate through the Geosets
for i in sk.mesh:
s = str(i.mesh_id)#Convert the GeosetId to a string
j = len(s)#Get the Length of the string
if (j<3):#If it's only two digits...
s = "00"#the Id is 00
elif(j<4):#if it's length is <4, then it has only one digit
s =  "0" + s[0]
else:#get the two important digits
s =  s[0:2]
print str(i.mesh_id) +" is " + GeosetTypes[s]#print mesh_id and it's translation

--- End code ---

Example 4: Tilting is Tilt

--- Code: ---from m2 import *

print "Please insert Modelname:"
filename = raw_input() #get input
m2 = M2File(filename) #open m2
print "Insert Tilting ( 0 = no tilt, 1 = x-tilt, 2 = y-tilt, 3 = xy-tilt)"
tilt = int(raw_input()) #Get input and convert to int
m2.hdr.modeltype |= tilt  #non-exclusive or: 001010 | 010001 = 011011
m2.write(filename) #write m2

--- End code ---


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