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[TUTORIAL] Adding an Animated Texture Layer


In this tutorial I will show you how to add animated textures to a model.
Animated textures can eg be found on the clouds in character selection screen or is used for the floating "lava" effect on Goshujinsamas Dark Matter Blade.
Here I show, how I added the effect to the Dark Matter Blade (it's also the Test.m2 which is distributed with PyModelEditor)
I'm adding the effect via PyModelEditor, but this can be also done via hexediting :P

So first to the Interface of PyModelEditor:

The "Open File" Button is used to open a *.m2 file.
The Buttons where the big red arrow points to, are used to open the different editors.

So now we've opened the Dark Matter Blade in the Editor and the first thing we need, is to know, to which geoset we want to add the effect. Therefore we open the geoset editor and check which geoset is the blade.

-> Geoset Number 1 (the numeration of the geoset is 0,1,2...)

Now we need to add the Texture we want to animate on the blade to the model:

Hardcoded is used for textures that can't be changed via DBC or ingame via Cloth change.
(the x and y-wrap is used to make the animation fluent)

As we want the texture animation continual, and not for each animation a different one, we add a Global Sequence to the model

At this point, we implement how the texture animates:

We use the translation for the flow of the lava.
In the first comboBox is no entry, so we need to add an AnimSub.
As interpolation type we choose "Linear Interpolation".
The fourth comboBox is for the GlobalSequence.
The format of the AnimEditor is:

To define how the animated texture layer is blended on the primer, we add a new renderflag:

Now we have everything prepared, so we can add finally the texture layer:

You need to set the "animated flag", choose the correct submesh, texture, uv animation and renderflag.

So now you've got an animated texture in your model.

Yay thanks for that!
I really have to get used with that tool it sure can do amazing stuff....

have to try ^^ thx!

I love it :i


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