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Modding Noob


Hey, I didn't know where to post this but yeah.
I saw the Modcraft world building video and thought 'Hey, I wanna do that. Could spend hours doing it :)'.
Thing is I come here and it just seems complicated. The closest thing to building would be being an admin on a private server spawning game objects, so not much experience at all.

I'm sure I can learn but basically I need someone to help me start from scratch and give me that kick start.
Would be very much appreciated :D


Welcome to modcraft, just take a look into our Modding Tutorial Subforums and you won't be disappointed. You gotta do the reading yourself though ;)

I was checking world building basics and looked at the tools. I'm not sure what to download and what I will need. Is there an updated tutorial for beginners? Will I need to make a private server to do this all on (dont know how to)?

Can you add to msn or Polkarama on skype, I would really appreciate it...

Check the worldbuilding basics tutroial again and look at the Overview post :)


--- Quote from: "Azurian" ---Hey, I didn't know where to post this but yeah.
I saw the Modcraft world building video and thought 'Hey, I wanna do that. Could spend hours doing it :)'.
Thing is I come here and it just seems complicated. The closest thing to building would be being an admin on a private server spawning game objects, so not much experience at all.

I'm sure I can learn but basically I need someone to help me start from scratch and give me that kick start.
Would be very much appreciated :D


--- End quote ---

Hey, im new too.
Just 30 min ago i was walking and i thought; Hey, wouldn't it be cool if i could make my own level in world of warcraft?  Then i went to youtube, my #1 source of information xD, watched your video, and bam im here now. Btw i love this forum design.


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