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R.I.P. Zim4ik

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Hello people

I don't really know how to announce this because it's not an usual situation, so I'll do it simple.

Days ago, I was contacted by Zim4ik's brother, he told me that Zim was dead. He did it only now because he  accidentally opened his email with mails from Modcraft few days ago and I was the last guy who talked with him.

So, here's the messages.

--- Quote from: "Zim4ik's brother" ---Hi. It's his brother. Zim4ik was killed at 14.07.2014
So, that's it...
--- End quote ---

I asked if I should tell this to the community too, and what happened.

--- Quote from: "Zim4ik's brother" ---To be honest , no one knows . The door to the apartment was open. In the kitchen were signs of a struggle . He was found at the bottom under the house . Ejected from the eighth floor . He died immediately .
On his computer left many files . He worked up to the end .
Here is a screenshot of what to do about it ?

Yes, better to tell everyone . Let remember the day of his death 07.14.2014
so, you can write at my email!VQZWSLhL
I think, I had to do it earlier, but I accidentaly opened his email with mails from Modcraft few days ago..
So, anyway, use it.
--- End quote ---

The files are hosted on Mega, but he forgot to give me the key to decrypt the link.

--- Quote from: "Zim4ik's brother" ---Oh, of course


and, I'll be in touch
Best regards!
--- End quote ---

So, that's it.

You can download the pack too, it contains his work on retro-porting HD races to 3.3.5 (the m2i are for older M2mod release, but you can convert his modified m2's with newer version). There's also a patch with custom races like Tuskarrs, Taunkas, etc...) and DBCs to make it work.
You are free to continue his work if you want.!VQZWSLhL
Key : !rThTc2gf21r55mWoto9WwTgJdaQtDS2N-qXNfV_fFP0

Edit: you can extract the file only with 7zip, not winrar or default windows extraction. Change the extension to *.rar instead of *.zip if you can't extract, it should work.

You can contact his brother if you want to tell him something about that, I don't think he'll be angry.

Gnomically, Meta.

Sad to here. It is alway bad if people leave this world, special under such circumstances.

I am a hard hearted folk at matters like this. Too many fake announcements that I witnessed that make me not believe stuff.

However, as a contributing member of this community... If this is actually the case, it's a sad thing to hear. To be honest, I forgot about him. It just happens after time goes by and you fail to remember names. But it definitely is sad to hear if this is true.

Sad to hear that he is dead. No one should die that early and in such a way..

@Ascathos : I had suspicions too, so I investigated with someone else, but after some researches, asked to friends of him, etc... we found that is in fact really true. Sadly.


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