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Author Topic: [TUTORIAL] [TOOL] Extracting custom maps  (Read 11668 times)


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Re: [TUTORIAL] [TOOL] Extracting custom maps
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2018, 05:16:47 am »
Sorry for replying on an old post.
I've followed this tutorial trying to set the name for my custom map on char selection, /who, etc..
Still not working, I couldn't use your modified map extractor cause it poops an error on worldserver execution (that's the problem at following such an old post xD):
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Map file './maps/' is from an incompatible map version (MAPS v1.3), MAPS v1.8 is expected. Please pull your source, recompile tools and recreate maps using the updated mapextractor, then replace your old map files with new files. If you still have problems search on forum for error TCE00018.
Unable to load critical files - server shutting down !!!

So I used the first method, and as you can see its not working:

There is something weird with the AreaID cause it's not showing when I .tele out of that zone: (Area: 0 (Unknown))

I'm pretty sure I set Areabit (4001) properly:

(Map.dbc and MapDifficulty.dbc):

Also, I had troubles making the minimapa show the name, I had to paint the Area ID with noggit to make it work.

Finally I tried to edit and save AreaTable.dnc with Taliiis as suggested and same result (I use WDBX Editor).

Anyone had the same problem with AreaID? am I missing something?

Again, sorry for necroposting.

(note: Loading screen/music is working properly)

EDIT: After posting I was checking my old replies on modcraft and I saw one on this post: related to custom graveyards saying "Awesome it also fix my custom map name" so I check the guide, and it seems that I forgot to edit Map.dbc column 23 adding your id from AreaTable.dbc (4988 in my case), now it works pefectly.
So if it's not working for you check this column cause you probably followed same guides as me and you didn't edit it.

I'm still curious cause this column isn't edited for any blizzlike map (set as 0), if anyone knows why share it please :<
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 06:13:01 am by Alpha »
" God only knows my mind is as free as the wind "[/i]