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Author Topic: [QUESTION] Custom maps and vmaps from mop adts  (Read 1281 times)


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[QUESTION] Custom maps and vmaps from mop adts
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:50:27 pm »
Hi Modcraft.

Yesterday I decided to use Timeless Isle Map and some other from Pandaria in my 335 server (november 2013 compilation) to see the areas and test some stuff.
So I start extracting maps and vmaps from this adts (Timeless Isle, ValleyOfPower, Twin Peaks and Battle for Gilneas).

I edited the source of vmaps and maps to read Patch-W.MPQ (in wich I add the World/Maps respective folder) and I created a new patch in esES folder (patch-esES-4.MPQ) -> (VmapsExtractor try patch-xxXX-number.MPQ + 1) and I add areatable and map.dbc. All is correct I think.

The problem arrive when maps extractor starts to extract map 870 (Timeless Isle) and it dont find some AreaIds in AreaTable. (Note that I use in my custom areatable the ids of the MoP Area Table because the adts have this inside his data because I can't open noggit to set new areaids and taliis can't open AreaId of some know what I mean). The error that mapextractor give me is (in HawaiiMainLand):

Code: [Select]
Can't find area flag for areaid 6052
Code: [Select]
Can't find area flag for areaid 60XX XX means another ids

Of course they are not in AreaTable.dbc, only a few of this map (The few that I need for Timeless Isle not Pandaria at all).
When extractor finish some times I can see and other times no......

Vmaps seens to works fine and assembler too.

Some images of map, areatable and ingame .gps


Note: Starts on 6757
This are blizz ids for the reason that I explained above.
5775/5776/5468 -> Needed to avoid the error Can't find flag for areaID, don't know why.
6060/6061/6136 -> Same reason

Ingame .gps pic. Im in Timeless Isle. See the chat.... Really annoying

Now Im in ValleyOfPower (named BG in map.dbc)

PD: I extracted maps and vmaps before in custom maps in noggit 335 and all works perfectly.
PD: I know its a lot of info but I think its necessary to understand my problem at all.
PD: I will make a tut when this problem will be solved :(

Thanks for reading.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 10:20:25 pm by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Custom maps and vmaps from mop adts
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2014, 10:17:12 pm »
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »