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Author Topic: [SOLVED] New Map is not Showing Up in Noggit Menu  (Read 3062 times)


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[SOLVED] New Map is not Showing Up in Noggit Menu
« on: August 02, 2015, 05:04:48 am »
Hello everyone.

So I've been really excited to start my own little island in Azeroth. I've followed a little bit of each of these tutorials: [Replace "(dot)" with "."]
modcraft (dot)
modcraft (dot)
ac-web (dot) org/forums/showthread.php?151250-How-To-World-Build-The-Official-Guide&highlight=

Both of the Guides are outdated and most of the updates they post are through the many comment pages that I don't want to look through. Some of the parts of the actual original guides are missing entirely so I've had to figure it out on my own (First guide is missing a few sections, Second is missing 3/4 of the videos and a page of important information, the updated software doesn't work and the old software no longer has a guide, etc.) So I've had to deal with that.

So What I've done so far is set up 3 WOTLK WoWs; one for my own use(non-modding), one for modding, and one for the model viewer. I've created a DBFilesClient Folder for my updated Maps.dbc file in the modding WoW. I've created my new Map through Taliis via the second posted link, and created the ADTs and WDT. Put that into *WoW Directory*WorldMaps*My Map Name* AND to my NoggitSDL 1.2 Projects Directory, same WoW. I've added all these files to my Custom Patch as well via Ladik's MPQ Editor using the following links to the video on how I set it up and where I put it (I now have one in the MPQ Editor Projects and WoW Data folder).
youtube (dot) com/watch?v=y_lxY3_HyUw&
(This was also used in the 3rd link on the top of this post as a video guide)

On a more personal note I have files everywhere, I think I have two of the same MPQ editors with possibly different patch files, and 3 WoW directories doesn't help. The guides' directory information and download links are confusing and outdated, as well as being redirected to possibly dead websites and guides on how to use this software. All of this stuff is from 2013 to 2014 or so and is sometimes completely useless. I don't know if commenting on these sites will get any results as they are years old without new posts, as well as the creators leaving the forums. I don't know when I should add things to MySQL server or directly into the data folder (And which WoW Directory to do it!). I am afraid to even touch custom items.

TL;DR I need my Noggit to recognize where my new map is and where to update my files; both ADT/WDT and my MPQ. If you need me to post any pictures or log files I can do that but I don't know from where.

Hopefully this forum isn't dead yet as well....

(FIX) So my project folder for noggit was set up to be used for a folder-type MPQ file rather than an actual .MPQ

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [SOLVED] New Map is not Showing Up in Noggit Menu
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2015, 07:25:59 am »
Your dbc needs to be in WowDBFilesClientMap.dbc if you want to show up your map in noggit.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [SOLVED] New Map is not Showing Up in Noggit Menu
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2015, 06:59:23 am »
It's already been fixed. I don't know how to lock thread either. Thank you though for replying  :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »