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Messages - ryb0t0

Pages: [1]
Recruitment / Re: [Recruiting] Server Admins for WoW Server Finder
« on: January 22, 2013, 01:30:43 am »
Quote from: "Steff"
You write in your post that you put an random server on top of list. This you also do if someone do an serach. So the first entry in the list dont fit to my search options. Thats confusing. 2 solutions.

1. Dont show random server on serach list
2. visualize it more that the first option is different then the rest of list. Google marks it green ;)

Ah! That's a fantastic idea!

EDIT: Our first promo video:

Recruitment / Re: [Recruiting] Server Admins for WoW Server Finder
« on: January 21, 2013, 12:30:29 pm »
Quote from: "Steff"
Add new marker Custom world. :)

Also you should mark the serveron top more. If I serach and get a list of servers and the first dont fit my search its just strange.

Hey thanks- I'll add the custom tag later today. Regarding search, I might be a little confused. When I filter, it seems to work - what were you looking for? I'll see if I can remedy it.

Random / Howdy
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:34:07 am »
Howdy everyone,

I can over here from ac-web and just wanted to say hi! I'm hoping to learn a lot by stalking your forums :)

Recruitment / [Recruiting] Server Admins for WoW Server Finder
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:31:41 am »
Hey all, I wanted to ask you guys for feedback on my site WoW Server Finder.

It's a topsite dedicated to WoW Servers and WoW Servers only. I know there are a million of these sites, so why should you care?

1. WoW Server Finder doesn't charge for advertising; there are no "premium" servers.
All the listings on WoW Server Finder are sorted by popularity (votes). Nothing else. The best servers are simply the servers with the most votes.

2. WoW Server Finder rewards servers with "Super Lucky WoW Private Server."
Every server listing that gets a vote, will be randomly shown at the top of my list on each pageview. So even if your server is trailing behind in votes, you still have a fantastic chance of being shown above everyone else. No other server list does this.

3. WoW Server Finder is new
WoW Server Finder just launched, but already Google is indexing and providing organic traffic. While this is happening, server owners on the site have very little competition. This means you'll have a very good chance of outranking other sites.

Feel free to sign up by clicking my sig. I'd also appreciate any feedback or criticism you might have.

Random / Re: Hello There !
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:23:27 am »
Hello! I'm new too.. so hi!

Pages: [1]