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Author Topic: [PROJECT]  Scorched WoW Recruitment  (Read 1432 times)


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[PROJECT]  Scorched WoW Recruitment
« on: April 01, 2014, 03:30:39 pm »

Scorched WoW Recruitment

We are recruiting more staff to work with us. Who can active and work more with us. Imagination your own dream in storylines. Any Staff wanted to join the our group and this is serious project!

We running 3.3.5a Trinity-core.
We are making *FULL OF CUSTOM* Custom Map, Custom Battleground, Custom Storyline with new map.

Story About The Server

Well there is lots of different storyline but firstly when you start in the game that will be Thrall (Horde) or Varian (Alliance).

So more information if needed.

Knowledge about Noggits
Knowledge about loginscreen/updates/patch
Knowledges about Trinitycore 3.3.5a.

Any information or details can private mail or here or skype: preston.parsons4

Thank you:)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [PROJECT]  Scorched WoW Recruitment
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2014, 06:03:07 pm »
Well, you only showed three mere screenshots, but, waow. You're the best world builder I have ever seen ! Sincerely !

 Where should I start, there are so many good things to tell !  Just look at the first one... This is such a great criticism of the cold war : one red townall in front of a blue one, two great ennemies only separated by a road but that are exactly the same apart of their colors. This road itself is full of incredible meaningful details : For instance, on a chunk the texture of the road changes for absolutely no reason, an obvious allusion to the changement of politics decision because of this confrontation. There are no dirt, no transition, just the road, as brutal as the world is, fabulous. Plus, you can see than the road doesn't even totally go in front of the red house, we can see that little amount of grass in front of the stairs, signifying the total rupture with the blue world. We don't know if it's the same on the blue side, because you, with genius, put a tree between us and that entrance, adding so much mistery. Damn, this never cease to amaze me, this is such a strong meaning about propaganda and the use of information (the tree) in order to hide other informations that would put the blue house on the same level than red house. Though, because of this tree, we have to imagine ! Does the blue tree, because of parallelism, has three little trees in front of his house ?  My interpretation is that, yes it does !
Still about the road, I love the way it's all senseless : One part of the road is going straight into the wall, saying that our institutions only lead to obvious defeat for both camps. Another road is leading to the unknown, full of mistery... Moreover, let's not forget those two little roads, both leading in the back of the houses, like if each house wanted the other to believe there is something behind, but both have nothing in reality.

 How could I forget those little fences on the blue side, that do not even finish itself, only protecting a tree... but this tree is important for the blue team : This is the tree of victory, which makes that they have 4 trees, contrary to the reds who only have 3 trees.

 Another impressive thing is that wall, all around the place forming a square like if it was supposed to protect from something. paradoxically this wall is all around the battleground, and not between the two foes. It's like saying the the true isolation isn't the wall that seperate two sides of the world, but the war itself which close our eyes about all the things that peace could make. Think about the houses we could have made with all the bricks used for those walls ?!  Moreover, just look at what it protects : Two faces are in front of an obvious void, it protects from nothing, another is in front of empty dirt, and the other in front of the unknown. This shows well how useless it is, like the whole concept of wanting to be the stronger. Nevertheless, we can see a tower from northrend, hidden by the frame, but we can't be sure if it's just a meaningless tower, or if it insinuates that there is a door next to it. The only way to be sure it is a door is too look at the proportions and compare the scale of the wall and the tower, because the wall tower is bigger than the same tower. There is also this little mist in the bottom right corner, accentuating the notion of secret and hidden things.
 This last tower is the little part of optimism of this screen, saying that there might have still possibilities to get away from this. Moreover, those bricks are much more cleaner that the bricks of the other little walls, saying it's more modern. Modernity gives us the tool to get away from this. This map being a battleground, I can't stop me to say that, damn, I love you sense of irony.

 Should I also talk about the two other screens ? Their awesomeness are so obvious that one shouldn't need an explanation, but I, respecting nothing, will give one. Well, they talk about man and the nature and the social reject. This is always hard to begin when I have too comment those kind of things, because there are always so many things to say, that should be the bigger criticism I could make about your map, you make too much details.
  What striked me the first where those trees, all of the same size but with different orientations, all around poping from the sand for no reason, acting like their partying but at the same time immobile. And there is this accentuated alone tree, on his mere island, round with a triangle pointing to the other island which is perfectly round (in the limits of WoW graphisms of course). This forever alone tree seems rejected, nevertheless we know that each tree is condemned to be alone anyway, and even if they look happy, they're nothing more than appearance.
 To this you added a parallelism with humanity with those goblins houses and those two decks. One deck on each side of the island pointing out the general lazyness of our modern society and our environnemental wast. Furthermore, those two docks are absurd (that is saying nothing when we know that every work of yours are leaded by the sense of absurdity of the whole universe) because those are roharts docks, that is to say that they are made for snow and not sand. They're always so humour in your details  :lol:
Talking about funny things, there are also the fact that the sand is falling straight at the bottom of the ocean, saying that the sea is a whole trap and just a land of dream. If you put your foot on it you'll fall and drown if you never learned to swim. This idea is reinforced by this overly and ridiculusly consolidated bark showing man's love for danger. We can see also the importance of water with this water tower, next to the see, so close and unstable that it looks like it will fall, showing that man can't even barely control the elements.
 And finaly there are those walls and houses, talking about the humans construction and the unfair side of it. First of all, all the houses are build on sand and will obviously fall apart one day or another. See that every house is different, there is this goblin inn, a goblin bank, a goblin house and a troll hut. The inn is dominating the whole land with the bank and even has its own walls, but though it accepts a troll hut that has nothing to do here. And finally there is this small house that is rejected from the walls, even if it could fit into the walls technically.
 Doesn't that remind you anything ? Of course, this is like a baroque mise en abyme of the whole island. This rejected house is like the rejected tree, and the wall is like the sea. You could technically reach it, but you know that the social order will not allow it. Those houses are like those trees, all the same even if they look different, because their inhabitants, poor or richs are all equal in front of death.  The whole wall, as in the previous screenshot is totally useless, but they show us our will to create clans when we could all unite. Moreover, let's not forget those two doors, those could have been some random doors, though one of them is in the wrong side, proving that the whole thing here is about appearance, again.

  Keep going ! Don't change anything !
« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 09:33:26 am by Admin »


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Re: [PROJECT]  Scorched WoW Recruitment
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2014, 06:55:16 pm »
I agree with Alifeur, looks great mate, keep sharing any updates/new zones, going to bookmark this page!
Good Luck
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re: [PROJECT]  Scorched WoW Recruitment
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2014, 07:27:37 pm »
Allifeur's post is actually really funny. So much trolling there. However, I don't think it's an appropriate way to teach WoW modding newbies.
@Topic starter: Well, the zone actually looks weird. Try to look how blizzards make their zones. Just look attentively at the texturing, terrain shaping, doodad spawning. Just try to recreate everything. I remember me learning how to worldbuild a couple of years ago. That was pain in the ass at first. But now I can make good looking mountains, detailed spawning and a lot of other things I learned in the process. I always think that my work is a complete shit. That helps me to improve it. Try to use logic in your works. For example, you're building a village. You can't have red and blue roofs in one village. That's all I wanted to say.

Regards, Skarn.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [PROJECT]  Scorched WoW Recruitment
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2014, 07:49:55 pm »
Quote from: "Skarn"
Allifeur's post is actually really funny. So much trolling there. However, I don't think it's an appropriate way to teach WoW modding newbies.

Well, people say I'm too negative when I make it by my usual way of criticism, so I try to tell things on a positive way.  :|
But yeah, I agree, the things that I point out are probably not clear enough for someone that isn't used to level design.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [PROJECT]  Scorched WoW Recruitment
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2014, 08:16:17 pm »
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »