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Messages - Mason26

Pages: [1]
Recruitment / Paid World Editing for a Role-play Private Server.
« on: August 19, 2015, 05:52:36 pm »
I'm unsure if this breaches this forums rules but I've looked across the internet and found nothing like what I want or need so this is my last chance.

In essence I'm interested in employing a world editor to clean up and spruce up the private server I play on.  The work is not very well paid however I can offer you a chance to hopefully do the thing you love for alittle extra cash.  You will have to chance to Edit zones based on the progression of story-lines.

At this moment the story-lines have progressed on this server to the point in which several major edits need to take place.

If this is something your interested in please contact my skype at andy.mason2629.   ;)

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