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Messages - Khamul

Pages: [1]
Recruitment / [Machinima Project] Prophecies
« on: September 19, 2015, 03:50:00 am »
Hi everyone !

I am a machinima creator and I looking for a map builder for my latest project : Prophecies

Indeed, it will be necessary to film some shots on Argus , including a wide shot . And unfortunately I do not have the experience to create this map myself .
I don't seek a playable environement but a filmable environment and only the places that appear in a plan will need to be detailed.
There is other things to build, but I prefer to keep it secret and then discuss in private. I hope Argus is enough to motivate you :p

Here is a short overview :


and finally you can have an overview of my work in my latest creation :

for more details please contact me on Skype: khamul40

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