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Topics - Taelan

Pages: [1]
Showoff - what you are working on / [RELEASE] Isdir Stromgarde keep
« on: October 04, 2017, 11:10:59 am »
Good day, dear friends

Yes i know, there were so many similar works on the restoration of the fortress, but only one was completed. I did my own version of this project in my spare time, it's made in "classic" style. You can download it and try it yourself, it's not the final release, I still have to do a bit more work with details. If you find some problems and deficiencies, please write about it.
P.S.: If someone has the banner of Stromgarde or some trappings of this realm which I can use in this patch, then write to me.


Download link:

Texturing and 2D Art / [SOLVED] Texture question
« on: April 11, 2016, 08:47:37 pm »

This doesn't happen for the first time

I apologize if this question has already been raised
It's looks alright in Noggit but in-game..

Showoff - what you are working on / [RELEASE] Crimson Dawn
« on: April 07, 2013, 05:21:18 pm »

Hello guys! I hope you are all feel well!

I admit the patch is far from finished, it needs a lot of work. There are a lot of 00005 errors, but I thought about it and decided that I will not be able to finish this work, as I have no time for it.

I imagined how i'll redo the entire old world and turn it into something new and beautiful and I almost succeeded, I just didn't have enough time and energy to get it done. Maybe someone will take this patch and will finish it! I sincerely hope so, but for me that is all. It was an honor to work with you, many of you gave me extremely valuable advice and helped to solve problems, I am extremely thankful to all of You.

My project was based on the Foundation of the Reznik global patch, a large part of his work were removed and left only the parts that fit for my project. I also thank him for his amazing patch! I used patches with the addition of a new wmo and m2 objects of some author's whose nicknames, unfortunately, I cannot give, cause it was a long time ago.

Lordaeron Glades (Western Plaguelands)

The First Gate (The Bulwark)


    • Felstone Field (there is still a lot of cosmetic work.)

    • Dalson's Farm (there is still a lot of cosmetic work.)

    • Gahrron's Farm(there is still some of cosmetic work.)

    • Northridge lumber camp (There is a new road that leads directly to Hearthglen)

      Road to camp

      Road to Hearthglen

    • Robert's Farm

    Andorhal (my black pearl :p)


      Paladins training ground and High Cathedral

        Road to Caer Darrow (House Barrow)
        ((with new and old gates))


         Full album u can find here ;)

        Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] Mdx files disappeared
        « on: April 06, 2013, 07:43:18 pm »
        Hi all guys.

        I'm a long time not working on modeling
        But a week ago, I decided to return to this beautiful and interesting case. I started a new (small) project.
        Immediately after the start faced a serious challenge.
        All mdx files are displayed in noggit fine, but in the game, they disappeared. (screens bellow)


        [attachment=2:29abwfnv]Noggit Stranh.jpg[/attachment:29abwfnv]



        And Light's


        Questions can be noobish, but very much forgotten. ) I hope for your help, colleagues.


        Pages: [1]