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Topics - Zoluld

Pages: [1]
Noggit / [Issue] Thin gaps between ADTs..
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:19:58 am »
Ok so been toying around with the whole noggit thing, running into an issue and I'm not 100% sure if this runs into a noggit issue or just the whole process of creating the ADTs, doing the offsets and such, but when adding mountains and such I begin to see a thin gap between the ADTs (which I'm assuming it is) I've lowered, smoothed, whatever else I can do with Noggit to attempt to get them to go away and they are still there, just like the editor pictures they show the same way in game, really more noticeable in game.

This a known issue or am I missing a step into making sure these are flawlessly inline with each other.

Client: 3.3.5a
Noggit: 3.166

Log/Conf won't let me post cause of some sort of spam warning.
(Note you have to open the images to actually see the gap)

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