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Big thanks to Alastor for making this copy!

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Noggit / Nogg-it bugg :p Screen keeps black (Copyed log)
« on: March 15, 2011, 03:50:22 pm »
.wowmapview.cpp:154 > Nogg-It $Rev: 104 $
.wowmapview.cpp:264 > Game path: C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.
.wowmapview.cpp:266 > Project path: C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.
.wowmapview.cpp:304 > Locale: enGB
.wowmapview.cpp:362 > main: mpqs: 93 ms
.wowmapview.cpp:398 > main: directory: 0 ms
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc from the disk!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientMap.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientMap.dbc from the disk!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc from the disk!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLight.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientLight.dbc from the disk!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLightParams.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientLightParams.dbc from the disk!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLightSkybox.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientLightSkybox.dbc from the disk!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLightIntBand.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientLightIntBand.dbc from the disk!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLightFloatBand.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientLightFloatBand.dbc from the disk!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc from the disk!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc from the disk!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLiquidType.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\DBFilesClientLiquidType.dbc from the disk!
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\fontsMORPHEUS.TTF from the disk!
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:UsersMarcusDownloads3.\fontsarialn.TTF from the disk!
.wowmapview.cpp:429 > Creating Menu
.world.cpp:42 > World 0: Azeroth has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 1: Kalimdor has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 13: test has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 25: ScottTest has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 35: StormwindPrison has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 37: PVPZone02 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 42: Collin has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 369: DeeprunTram has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 449: AlliancePVPBarracks has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 450: HordePVPBarracks has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 451: development has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 530: Expansion01 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 571: Northrend has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 573: ExteriorTest has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 582: Transport176244 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 584: Transport176231 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 586: Transport181645 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 587: Transport177233 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 588: Transport176310 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 589: Transport175080 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 590: Transport176495 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 591: Transport164871 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 592: Transport186238 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 593: Transport20808 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 594: Transport187038 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 596: Transport187263 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 597: CraigTest has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 605: development_nonweighted has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 606: QA_DVD has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 609: DeathKnightStart has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 610: Transport_Tirisfal _Vengeance_Landing has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 612: Transport_Menethil_Valgarde has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 613: Transport_Orgrimmar_Warsong_Hold has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 614: Transport_Stormwind_Valiance_Keep has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 620: Transport_Moa'ki_Unu'pe has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 621: Transport_Moa'ki_Kamagua has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 622: Transport192241 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 623: Transport192242 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 641: Transport_AllianceAirshipBG has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 642: Transport_HordeAirshipBG has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 647: Transport_Orgrimmar_to_Thunderbluff has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 672: Transport197347 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 673: Transport197348 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 712: Transport197349 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 713: Transport197350 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 718: Transport201834 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 723: Stormwind has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 33: Shadowfang has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 34: StormwindJail has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 36: DeadminesInstance has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 43: WailingCaverns has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 44: Monastery has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 47: RazorfenKraulInstance has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 48: Blackfathom has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 70: Uldaman has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 90: GnomeragonInstance has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 109: SunkenTemple has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 129: RazorfenDowns has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 189: MonasteryInstances has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 209: TanarisInstance has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 229: BlackRockSpire has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 230: BlackrockDepths has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 269: CavernsOfTime has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 289: SchoolofNecromancy has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 329: Stratholme has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 349: Mauradon has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 389: OrgrimmarInstance has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 429: DireMaul has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 540: HellfireMilitary has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 542: HellfireDemon has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 543: HellfireRampart has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 545: CoilfangPumping has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 546: CoilfangMarsh has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 547: CoilfangDraenei has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 552: TempestKeepArcane has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 553: TempestKeepAtrium has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 554: TempestKeepFactory has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 555: AuchindounShadow has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 556: AuchindounDemon has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 557: AuchindounEthereal has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 558: AuchindounDraenei has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 560: HillsbradPast has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 574: Valgarde70 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 575: UtgardePinnacle has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 576: Nexus70 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 578: Nexus80 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 585: Sunwell5ManFix has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 595: StratholmeCOT has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 598: Sunwell5Man has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 599: Ulduar70 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 600: DrakTheronKeep has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 601: Azjol_Uppercity has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 602: Ulduar80 has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 604: GunDrak has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 608: DalaranPrison has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 619: Azjol_LowerCity has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 632: IcecrownCitadel5Man has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 650: ArgentTournamentDungeon has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 658: QuarryofTears has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 668: HallsOfReflection has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 169: EmeraldDream has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 249: OnyxiaLairInstance has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 309: Zul'gurub has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 409: MoltenCore has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 469: BlackwingLair has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 509: AhnQiraj has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 531: AhnQirajTemple has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 532: Karazahn has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 533: Stratholme Raid has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 534: HyjalPast has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 544: HellfireRaid has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 548: CoilfangRaid has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 550: TempestKeepRaid has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 564: BlackTemple has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 565: GruulsLair has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 568: ZulAman has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 580: SunwellPlateau has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 603: UlduarRaid has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 615: ChamberOfAspectsBlack has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 616: NexusRaid has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 624: WintergraspRaid has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 631: IcecrownCitadel has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 649: ArgentTournamentRaid has no WDT file!
.world.cpp:42 > World 724: ChamberofAspectsRed has no WDT file!
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:125 > Unable to find file interfacegluesmodelsui_orcui_orc.m2! Check MPQs and the file that has been requesting this!
.model.cpp:81 > Error loading file "interfacegluesmodelsui_orcui_orc.m2". Aborting to load model.
.wowmapview.cpp:435 > main: created menu: 597 ms
.liquid.cpp:486 > Water Shader Loaded successfully
.liquid.cpp:531 > Water Shader Loaded successfully
.wowmapview.cpp:444 > main: start-up: 2029 ms
.wowmapview.cpp:448 > Entering Main Loop
.wowmapview.cpp:518 > Exited Main Loop
.wowmapview.cpp:527 > Exiting.

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