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Messages - Warner730

Pages: [1]
Noggit / [WotLk] WoW crashes with my custom patch
« on: May 17, 2016, 02:28:41 am »
Hello everyone, this is it ! I made my custom patch but the problem is that my patch doesn't work as my wow error told me. I thought that my patch was ok and fine but it seems like that is not. Because my wow error told me that :

(Picture down below I guess)

So, can someone help me to try to find out what kind of error is this ? Where does this error come from ? Why ? I know that is a lot of questions that I ask you but I really need help because I worked hard on this map ! Please ! :)
(PS : This is a custom patch that I've remasterized) So ! Thanks in advance  and peace guys ! :)

EDIT : I can go to my custom zone but when I'm moving around the zone at a specific place, it crashes, i don't know why because I did nothing there with noggit so... I don't know

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