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Big thanks to Alastor for making this copy!

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Messages - marvin

Pages: [1]
Noggit / Re: Noggit doesn't work
« on: February 03, 2011, 04:33:07 pm »
Yipi =) It's work.
Ehm now my Question.. How can i add Objects? A hous ore yes :P?

Noggit / Re: Noggit doesn't work
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:31:16 am »
i know..
My Configs (name: log.txt):
Path = C:World of Warcraft
ProjectPath = C:World of Warcraft

Noggit / Re: Noggit doesn't work
« on: February 02, 2011, 11:17:31 pm »
.wowmapview.cpp:154 > Nogg-It $Rev: 104 $
.wowmapview.cpp:264 > Game path: C:World of WarcraftData
.wowmapview.cpp:266 > Project path: C:World of Warcraft
.wowmapview.cpp:304 > Locale: deDE
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatacommon.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatacommon-2.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDataexpansion.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatalichking.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatapatch.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatapatch-2.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatapatch-3.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatapatch-4.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatapatch-5.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatadeDElocale-deDE.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatadeDEexpansion-locale-deDE.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatadeDElichking-locale-deDE.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatadeDEpatch-deDE.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatadeDEpatch-deDE-2.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatadeDEpatch-deDE-3.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatadeDEpatch-deDE-4.MPQ
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:27 > Opening C:World of WarcraftDatadeDEpatch-deDE-5.MPQ
.wowmapview.cpp:362 > main: mpqs: 668 ms
.wowmapview.cpp:398 > main: directory: 1628 ms
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientMap.dbc
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLight.dbc
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLightParams.dbc
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLightSkybox.dbc
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLightIntBand.dbc
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLightFloatBand.dbc
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLiquidType.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:World of Warcraft\fontsMORPHEUS.TTF from the disk!
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:95 > I opened the file C:World of Warcraft\fontsarialn.TTF from the disk!
.wowmapview.cpp:429 > Creating Menu
.model.cpp:85 > Loading model "interfacegluesmodelsui_mainmenu_burningcrusadeui_mainmenu_burningcrusade.m2".
.wowmapview.cpp:435 > main: created menu: 1173 ms
.liquid.cpp:486 > Water Shader Loaded successfully
.liquid.cpp:531 > Water Shader Loaded successfully
.wowmapview.cpp:444 > main: start-up: 3939 ms
.wowmapview.cpp:448 > Entering Main Loop

Noggit / Noggit doesn't work
« on: February 02, 2011, 08:17:08 pm »

When i start noggit 3 it startet and then only come the title and the Sub menü *Bookmarks*
Then when i wait noggit goes closed.
I run noggit with win 3 xp compatible and with Administrator.
My system: Windows 7
Why does is crash?

(sry for my bad english)

Pages: [1]