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Author Topic: [SOLVED] Another noggit crash on startup  (Read 934 times)


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[SOLVED] Another noggit crash on startup
« on: May 05, 2014, 09:50:05 am »
Hi, I was forced to formate my disk and fully reinstall Windows. After it I simply can't get noggit SDL 1.2 running (before it worked without problems - both SDL 1.3 and 1.2). Its classic open and immediately crash without error showing problem. SDL 1.3 works fine, but I really don't want to use it until bug with not saving some objects is solved. So, the log and config files are here:

I am sure that paths are correct, I work with noggit pretty long time, this really isn't problem. What seems to be problem are acces rights to Data folder, because I can't open those MPQ files even while using MPQEditor (Error message is: "Acces is denied."). When I copy MPQ files on my Deskop, they can be opened without this error. However, older version of MPQEditor (version can open MPQ files even when they are in my WoW/Data folder, thats btw pretty strange because BOTH of my MPQEditor versions have option "Open MPQs with Read-only" switched off). Still, SDL 1.3 works, probably thanks to Read-only opening MPQs.

I've tryed to uncheck "Read-only" option in all folders which are included in path to WoW (Files, World of Warcraft 3.3.5a, Data), but I still can't get it working. Whenever I try to open Properties of folder where I've switched Read-only option off before, its back there. Just can't get rid of it.

So (if I haven't made other mistake) does anyone know how to really get rid of these Read-only acces rights? Seems to be quite a unique problem :D.

EDIT: Halfly solved by myself in the end. I made folder on my deskop where I placed MPQ and DBC files and used it as path to WoW and now it works (eh, btw, this folder has also that Rad-only perma on option...). Still this isn't most ideal solution and I would be glad if someone knew how to really fix this thing or what caused it.

EDIT2: Took 5 hours of observing, testing, observing, testing and again testing... I couldn't fix problem with acces rights, but running program as administrator solved it. I read somewhere that admin mode doesn't solve anything - I think you should reconsider it. It does - when someone just can't get rid of Read-only right because of Windows bug/bad configuration of system. Its not solved at all, but in the end I found 2 ways around.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 04:13:23 pm by Admin »
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Re: [SOLVED] Another noggit crash on startup
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2014, 08:45:05 am »
It do help to run noggit if you are totaly incapable to setup your system right.
But it also lead to crashes of noggit and so using it is not clever.

A reason that not many helped you coukd be that u used Dropbox instead of pastbin to give us your files,  as it was written in the hiw to post thread.  I will not. Download any file to my pc.

Repost your files on pastbin and add me to skype.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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