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Author Topic: [Question(s)] Custom model creation  (Read 1022 times)


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[Question(s)] Custom model creation
« on: August 23, 2012, 08:58:41 pm »
Hello modcraft community !

I have a little question for you guys about the Modelling for World of Warcraft. Recently I had the idea to create some custom habitations for 3dsMax in order to integrate them into  Wow, however, according to a reliable source, it is impossible (or very difficult) to convert my model into a WMO.  
M2 format seems appropriate then, however, I have some misgivings about the M2. It does not seem that objects of type M2 can have an interior, but an interiror for the house over which I am working is needed.
My fears are well-founded ?
If so, is it possible to create models such as:
-The house (exterior) and interior separately ? The interior would then not acessible via a door but through a system whose function is to move the player towards the inside of the house.
Do you think it could also work or are you skeptical too ?

Hope I've been clear enough, thanks in advance and have a good day !
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »