Adding doodads with cryects tool.
So there are as always many options to do one thing in wowmodding. One thing is when you want to add doodads to an adt , you can either choose taliis or cryects tools. Cryect was a programmer back in the beginning of wow modding. He used to create some cmd tools wich are very help full and some of them still work in 3.x
So here i'm gonna show you the way of adding doodads to an adt with Fileinfo.exe and loadinfo.exe
Download the needed tools here :
viewtopic.php?f=59&t=808First we're looking adt the adt on which we want to add new objects. For that we're gonna need Noggit. With that we fly to the adt we're going to change.
As you can see in the left lower corner there is some information about our position and the adt name.
The adt name itself contains three informations (instancename_xpostion_ypostion.adt) and there as there is : Tile 28 30 and i entered the instance: owninstance the adt name is the following.
To extract that adt into my wow folder im just gonna save the adt with noggit. Noggit places the adt then into my wow root folder in worldmapsowninstance
The other thing we're going to need are the client coordinates x y and z.
I'll write them down so that i can use them later. After closing noggit i'm switching to the folder where my adt should be at (wow rootworldmapsowninstance).
Now just drag n' drop the adt file onto the FILEINFO.exe (i just placed it into the same folder of the adt to screen it for you. The adt can be used on the .exe files even if they are not in the same folder).
This is important do not make mistakes when working with those exe files. You can easylie be forced to redo all the steps if you are not carefull.
The fileinfo.exe will create a .txt file with all the doodad and wmo information of the adt. It will read the same name as the adt file just with another fileending.
Open that txt file.
So there are serveral things to see but it's not that complicated as it looks like.
The information in this .txt file can be seperated in 4 diffrent parts.
Those are the headers for the diffrent parts.
Underneath or besides them there are serveral numbers.
The number beside the header is the number of lines with information in this particullary part.
In MMDX are listed the paths of the doodad files. Doodads are the objects you may know as .m2 objects.
In MWMO there are the paths to the WMO files that are spawned in this adt.
In MDDF is given which doodad is spawned where and how( Coordinates with rotation and size).
In MODF is given which wmo is spawned where and how(Coordinates with rotation and doodadset)
So how are we going to add something to that?
First switch to MMDX.
This part is seperated in 2 rows
The first row is the id of the specific doodad and the second is the path to the doodad.
There shouldn't be two rows with the same number.
So now add a new row , tkae the last id +1 so in my case 10 press tab to seperate the path from the id and write down the path to your doodad.
As we added one more line , we will have to change the number next to the MMDX header to 11.
REMEMBER if your adt is empty and there are no dooads on it: Mathematicly the counting starts with ZERO and not with 1.
Now switch to the MDDF chunk and scroll aaaaall the way down to the end of the list.
Here again everything is handeled like a list, so use TAB to seperate the diffrent rows.
The id indicates wich doodad is used. So remember what id you gave your doodad in the MMDX chunk and write that down here again. The next row is the Unique id. Every spawned doodad has a UNIQUE id to specify the doodads inbetween the ids. This number MUST BE unique in the areal of 4-5 adts around your adt. So choose an intelligent way of giving your adts a unique id. Either very high or very low numbers.
The next row is the x-coordinate, just write there the coordinate we wrote down of our adt.You down't really have to be too precise for that ,jsut write down the numbers before the comma. But these have to be right! The following numbers always have 6 numbers after the point... you don't need to write them down loadinfo automaticly adds .000000 if it isn't already there i'll add it anyways
Here comes the Z-Axsis and not the y- Axsis! Again just write it down.
Same thing with the following row , which is the y-axis.
The next three following rows indicate the rotation of the doodads. Just take 0 for that (so rota ,rotb and rot c = 0.000000)
The size is normally 1024. This is the standart size of a model.
Now switch back to the header of MDDF and change the number next to it to +1.
Now save the adt and drag n' drop the ADT file and NOT the .txt file onto the loadinfo.exe
And if you did everything right you can now see your added object ingame/innoggit.