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Author Topic: [Question] A lot of questions about custom races and models  (Read 1435 times)


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[Question] A lot of questions about custom races and models
« on: April 23, 2012, 12:29:10 pm »
Hello guys,

First I want to tell u that I'm not english, so I may have a bad english ;)

Yesterday, I tried to add customs races in my 3.3.5 WoW, using latest TrinityCore.. So I followed that : viewtopic.php?f=26&t=165

But I have some problems with.

First, I wanted to add Goblins in the Horde a, Taunka with Alliance. I followed the tutorial, I just changed that, in ChrRaces.dbc :

Code: [Select]

Insted of taking line 12 for fel Orc, i took line 19 for Taunka. I add 12 in 2nd colum, 1 in 3rd and 7 in the 9th.

Then, I changed that too, in CharBaseInfo :

Code: [Select]

So each time there was FELORC, i  change it with TAUNKA, for example :

Code: [Select]
ABILITY_INFO_GOBLIN1 = "- Compétence Gobelins, ligne 1";
ABILITY_INFO_GOBLIN2 = "- Compétence Gobelins, ligne 2";
ABILITY_INFO_GOBLIN3 = "- Compétence Gobelins, ligne 3";
ABILITY_INFO_GOBLIN4 = "- Compétence Gobelins, ligne 4";
ABILITY_INFO_FELORC1 = "- Compétence Gangr'Orcs, ligne 1";
ABILITY_INFO_FELORC2 = "- Compétence Gangr'Orcs, ligne 2";
ABILITY_INFO_FELORC3 = "- Compétence Gangr'Orcs, ligne 3";
ABILITY_INFO_FELORC4 = "- Compétence Gangr'Orcs, ligne 4";


Code: [Select]
ABILITY_INFO_GOBLIN1 = "- Compétence Gobelins, ligne 1";
ABILITY_INFO_GOBLIN2 = "- Compétence Gobelins, ligne 2";
ABILITY_INFO_GOBLIN3 = "- Compétence Gobelins, ligne 3";
ABILITY_INFO_GOBLIN4 = "- Compétence Gobelins, ligne 4";
ABILITY_INFO_TAUNKA1 = "- Compétence TAUNKA, ligne 1";
ABILITY_INFO_TAUNKA2 = "- Compétence TAUNKA, ligne 2";
ABILITY_INFO_TAUNKA3 = "- Compétence TAUNKA, ligne 3";
ABILITY_INFO_TAUNKA4 = "- Compétence TAUNKA, ligne 4";

I stopped my work here, in the tutorial, after changing CharacterCreate.xml :

I created MPQ, changing dbc etc, and when I wanted to launch oW, wow error !

So, not bad, i deleted everything and restart with FelOrc and Gobelins. This time, my WoW didn't have WoW Error. But in my Characters Creation Menu, I didn't have icons for the new races. I deleting everything again, doing it again, and exactly the same problem : gobelins and felorc icons didn't appear.

So how can I add icons ? I want to add a custom icon for Fel'Orc ( red orc face ). I also want to add female and male models !

Yes, because when I created one, my felorc was nude,  and female didn't have model.

Then, I wanted to add FelOrc in Horde, and High Elve in Alliance. But there aren't any High Elves in ChrRaces.dbc ! It will be a problem, but what I could do is to add BloodElves in Alliance too, rename them, change their eyes color, and faction. But i don't know how.

So my quuestions are :

-I want to show the icons of my custom races. How can I do ?
-I want to add a new Races icon, how ?
-I want to add a new custom race, High Elves, with everything : model, faction, etc
-I want to add FelOrc model in the game, Male and Female.
-Why did I had WoW Error when i wanted to add Taunka ?

Thanks for all !
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
Shaku  / Bkam