I don't know if I can post here but ...
Today we will learn how to use Allwater.
Before the beginning, I'm sorry, my English is not perfect ^^'.
So, let's go !
I. Required Stuff.
- Allwater (no really
- Noggit
- Your ADTs
II. Noggit.
Run Noggit and select the area where your hole is situated.
When you are arrived, check the server coordinate, and copy the "Z" coordinate on notepad, it's very important !
Now, press U on Noggit, you will see your area from above.
Press f7, it will show lines. The green live represents your ADT and the red lines represent all of chunks contained in your ADT. Locate the chunk where your hole is placed. It's Ok ? Perfect !
Next step !
III. Allwater.
Run Allwater and open your Adt with it.
The software will ask you if you want to patch your ADt, answer yes.
Now look at the options we have.
Water is the equivalant of river
Ocean ... Seems logic !
Lava ... Logic too !
Slime, the green water in Undercity.
Opcaity : the color of water, 255 is very very dark ! 0 is very very clear.
Fill all will add water on all over your adt.
File hole ... I have no idea about its usefulness!
Height : the "Z" coordinate
Go : save your adt.
Now, look at the grid.
Square. Square everywhere.
1 square = 1 chunk.
Add your "Z" coordinate on Height and fill the chunk where your hole is situated. Compare with Noggit
When you are finished. Save and add your ADTs in your MPQ patch !
End of the tutorial!
I hope I have not done too much wrong.
Sorry for the layout, I mess around with BBCode so I did not want to do a massacre