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Content creation => Modelling and Animation => Topic started by: ramm on December 13, 2015, 01:23:43 pm

Title: Helm problem
Post by: ramm on December 13, 2015, 01:23:43 pm
First, Excuse my bad English

I am preparing a custom patch for MOP. In the patch I will activate races (Vrykuls, Tuskar,...). In the past I did the same, I changed in Charraces.dbc, the column with short name (Hu/or/Dw/Ni...) for non-playable racesr in order to have helms in this races.

Now in MOP, i do again but doesn't work. Anybody Now where i can find this?.

Title: Re: Helm problem
Post by: Rangorn on December 13, 2015, 01:49:47 pm
In mop, chrraces.dbc is located in local mpq (cf : your language)

U have to made a patch mpq and put it with local mpq because wow read local mpq after normal mpq
Title: Re: Helm problem
Post by: ramm on December 13, 2015, 02:36:47 pm
Thanks, this is the problem

Title: Re: Helm problem
Post by: ramm on December 13, 2015, 03:30:33 pm
I have another problem.

in cataclysm versión, i modified spell.dbc and spelleffect.dbc to create new spells which i give to users. This spells contains the new skins (vrykuls, tuskarr....).

In MOP versión, I modified these dbcs and spellmisc.dbc . I put now spell.dbc in a custom patch  in the locale folder, and the others in another patch in data folder. And I have added spells in the emulator.

Now the spells work if I use the command .aura, but if I learn them , the spells don't appear, and If use the spell, doesn't appear the icon next to the minimap.

For create this spells I have cloned the spell 3287 in spell.dbc, spelleffect.dbc and spellmisc.dbc.
Title: Re: Helm problem
Post by: ramm on December 14, 2015, 11:52:09 am
I can't solver this problem, and i have another problem with chartitles.dbc

I added custom Titles, The custom dbc is in the server and locale patch.

The new titles , like new spells appear if I search them with .look command, but if i use this with a character i can't use...

Anybody could know what is the problem

Title: Re: Helm problem
Post by: Rangorn on December 14, 2015, 01:30:39 pm
Cloning spell isn't a good idea, there are a lot of dependencies with other dbc, missing one can fucked up your spell, try to find a useless spell and add attributes to him (a spell with an icon when you cast it but with no special effects)

For titles, there is a limit in the client, you can expand it a little server side :
For trinitycore (6.x version i think cata/mop is the same path) : /src/server/game/Entities/Player/Player.h

Search for line :
#define MAX_TITLE_INDEX     (KNOWN_TITLES_SIZE * 64)        // 4 uint64 fields

Ur KNOWN_TITLES_SIZE is probably set to 4 or maybe 3, put it to 5.
Title: Re: Helm problem
Post by: ramm on December 16, 2015, 02:24:11 am
Now the spells work but i have a very big problem ...

In the past, I added the new races, modifying creaturedisplayinfo.dbc, creaturedisplayinfoextra.dbc and creaturemodeldisplayinfo. Now i Have a problem, I used to clone skins like 20369 or 20370, (Skins that you can equip). But now It has changed.

For example , versión 4.3.4 and before, if you are an human and you use skin 20369, you morph in a equipable blood elf. If you change the human hair, face or colour hair, the blood elf also changes (our players use wowmodelviewer to take the numbers , and use in the same order).

But know (5.4.8)  if you use these morphs (or clone them), the character morph in a only model that you can't change and it is definied by de numbers in creaturedisplayinfoextra.dbc

The only solution that i know is add thousands of rows in char sections, and combine con white models (49,50...).

Anybody have the same problem and have and solution? or it's imposible?